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Dette er en simpel fanblog for den koreanske gruppe 2pm.

Bloggens hovedsagelige formål er at støtte 2PM gennem personlige tanker omkring nyheder, sange, videoer og billeder. Mine informations-kilder  er størstedelen youtube og k-pop sider. Jeg har inge personlig tilknytniger til gruppen eller musikselskabet JYP.

Jeg er simpelhen bare en fan der vil vise min støtte, respekt og kærlighed.*

This is a fanblog for the Korean pop-group 2PM.

The blogs mainly purpose is to show support to 2PM, through personal views on news, songs, videos and photos. My source is heavily relyed on youtube and k-pop sites. I have no personal affiliation to 2PM or anyone in the JYP. I am not going to only write ‘facts’ because that is boring and you can find ‘facts’ about anywhere. What is interesting is what one can get out of the facts, so yeah, my writing will be a mix.

I am simply a fan enjoying to show my support, respect and love.*

*You may know me from youtube by the nic zozochan
or from 2pmalways by mishaia

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